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The Township Board of Trustees meet the first Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm at the Township Hall
Monday, September 16, 2024
6:30 pm
Community Discussion regarding participation in the Northern Emergency Services Authority

Both meeti


Board of Trustees

Chad Cameron, Supervisor - (906) 440-3678

Amanda Fairchild, Clerk - (906) 493-5321

Julie Stevenson, Treasurer - (906) 493-5321

Kevin Kruzel, Trustee -  (231) 838-8949


Dwayne Matkovich, Trustee - (906) 322-4246



Drummond Township is governed by a five member board consisting of a supervisor, clerk, treasurer and two trustees.


There are many laws that govern townships, but the two main laws dealing with township administration and governance are:




All Michigan laws are available to the public on the free, searchable Michigan Legislature website. The laws can be searched by keyword, or Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) number, such as "41.721" or "42.8".


There are additional statutory requirements with which townships must comply. Procedures for the township’s financial administration, such as budgets, accounting, investments and deposits, are closely regulated by the state. Township meetings must comply with Michigan’s Open Meetings Act (MCL 15.261, et seq.), and township records must be stored and made available in conformance with specific laws, such as the Freedom of Information Act (MCL 15.231, et seq.)

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