A committee of community members, working with the state, have secured a $15 million allocation for a brand new Drummond Island Ferry Boat.
Our ambulance corp was able to purchase a Zoll Machine which automatically performs chest compressions on cardiac patients. This purchase was made possible through the generosity of island donors.
Our Ladies Golf League has updated the golf course pro-shop with fresh paint & new carpet.
You can now conveniently pay your property taxes online.
The township park campground now has an online reservation system in place which has led to a substantial increase in campground revenue.
Our Veteran's Committee raised funds for the island Veteran's Memorial by selling banners that pay tribute to Veterans. The banners are displayed on poles throughout The island.
The township golf course has 10 brand new golf carts for the 2024 season as well as new internet service and a new point of sale system. These improvements have helped significantly increase golf course revenue.
Our newly formed Township Beautification Committee is doing a wonderful job improving island aesthetics. They installed new American Flags on the island for Independence Day and beautiful new holiday decorations and evergreen sprays in December.
An impressive group of community members is working together to develop a new 5 year recreation plan for the township.
The township applied for a state fire equipment grant and was awarded $10,000.
Our Island Volunteer Ambulance Corp now has 2 paid on-call EMT's to ensure a quick response time.
DI Homemakers put their time and energy into a July 2023 Fundraiser dedicated to raising revenue for dry fire hydrants on the island. This event raised over $50,000!
The Board , working with the state and county, has implemented a cardboard recycling program for all island residents and visitors.
At the Township Hall, we’ve been working with Chippewa County Community Action Agency to make upgrades to our Township Kitchen and have expanded senior lunches to 4 days a week. In addition, we’ve adopted a new Hall Use Policy to ensure this community building is well taken care of.
We've expanded recreational opportunities on the island with refurbished tennis courts and the addition of Pickle Ball at our Township Golf Course.
The Board is diversifying our investment of township surplus dollars in order to generate more revenue for the island and to ensure our financial resources are invested wisely.
Our ambulance corp and fire department have both established non-profit 501-C3's (ambulance is Cares for DIAC and Fire Department is Friends of Drummond Island Fire & Rescue) to receive donations and give back to the community.​
You can now find township information online through our Facebook and Instagram Pages. Islander, Jeanne May, is doing a wonderful job as our social media manager.
We have community groups like DI Silent Sports who are working hard to improve and enhance the hiking trails at the Township Park. This group has expanded the existing trail system and added educational signage.